If you have access to the internet there are a bewildering number of online resources that you can access to help you manage recurring tasks. This week we have listed a number of these with links to the relevant website pages.
Book a theory test - https://www.gov.uk/book-theory-test
Get vehicle information from DVLA - https://www.gov.uk/get-vehicle-information-from-dvla
Tell DVLA if you have sold, transferred or bought a vehicle - https://www.gov.uk/sold-bought-vehicle
View or share your driving license information, useful when you hire a car - https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence
Check MOT status of a vehicle - https://www.gov.uk/check-mot-status
Book your driving test - https://www.gov.uk/book-driving-test
Check if a vehicle is taxed - https://www.gov.uk/check-vehicle-tax
Tax your vehicle - https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax
Check the MOT history of a vehicle - https://www.gov.uk/check-mot-history
Another tip for motorists unrelated to the above services is that many insurance companies have been offering discounts to drivers – who because of COVID-19 restrictions have limited mileage on the clock - obviously, the less you drive the lower the risk of claims. Worth a call to your broker or insurance company.